The concept of WǔDé (武德) – Martial Morality, where our actions and our thoughts combine to define us as a truly great martial arts practitioner can be
put to the test in the five “Thoughts”: Courage, Patience, Endurance, Perseverance and Will. It can be said that the concepts of Endurance, Patience,
Perseverance and Will are almost identical yet they all have subtle differences. When we consider the four, Patience is the ability to accept hardship,
Endurance is the ability to ... read more
The definition of a true martial arts practitioner in terms of what is reflected in their thoughts continues in this segment as we look at the second Thought,
Patience (忍 – Rěn)
Patience is the ability to wait for an unknown amount of time, enduring unknown difficulties and hardships, and throughout that suffering, exhibiting
no annoyance nor complaint; accepting the situation for what it is and as a means to an end. Does that sound familiar to you in ... read more
Taijiquan biomechanics? I’m sure the mere mention of those words would draw blank stares from most people, especially tai chi practitioners. We’ve all
had the experience in life when we’re out shopping, where we know in our minds what we want, but we have no idea what the thing we want is called,
making it almost impossible to find. Well, a tai chi biomechanics workshop is one of those things. Hearing the name alone might not create an association
with ... read more