As wushu practitioners, hopefully you made the most of last year’s Dog Year, and can now reap the rewards in this Earth Pig Year. The Year of the Pig commences
on 5th February this year, so make sure you have everything in order before then.
The Pig is the last of the zodiac animals. According to mythology, the Jade Emperor sent a notice inviting animals to compete for a position in the zodiac.
The Pig had stopped to eat and ... read more
So far, in The Definition of a Truly Great Martial Arts Practitioner we have looked at Humility, Loyalty and Respect. We now continue with the fourth of
the 5 Important Actions, Morality.
Morality (义 – Yì)
The Oxford dictionary defines “morality” as “principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour”, and so too,
should we apply the same definition to the martial arts and WǔDé.
The life of a wushu practitioner is not one lived ... read more
The definition of a true martial arts practitioner continues in this segment as we look at the third of the five Important Actions; Respect.
Respect (礼 – Lǐ)Respect is defined as having due regard for the feelings, wishes and rights of others and of ourselves. In living
a respectful life we must balance our own needs with those of the people around us, and in so doing, every individual will have a sense of place and
self-worth. Respect starts from ... read more