WǔDé (武德) – Martial Morality, should be the first thing we focus on as martial arts practitioners and should be the benchmark of what we consider a great
practitioner to be. If we don’t understand the philosophy behind what we are trying to accomplish, and focus purely on the physical act of martial
mechanics, then all we learn as students of the art is empty of meaning.
WǔDé is a combination of actions and thoughts. We have looked at the ... read more
We are now looking at the last of the 5 Important Actions of WǔDé (武德) – Martial Morality, which defines a Truly Great Martial Arts Practitioner, and this
is Trust.
Trust (信 – Xìn)
Who do you trust? Do people trust you? Trust works on the basis that a person is of good character and one who will seek to fulfil promises, uphold
ethical values and be law abiding.
When you encounter a fellow martial arts practitioner do you trust ... read more