JinLi was honoured to receive an invitation from Indonesia asking us to share our knowledge and love of Tai Chi with the people in Java.
So in January, Master Tara Brayshaw and Sifu Lyn travelled to Surabaya and Jakarta to teach Tai Chi and Qigong to a variety of people in those cities.
Their teaching was extremely well received and led to many of the participants wanting to take up Tai Chi on a regular basis.
Tara also had the ... read more
According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the day of the first new moon in the first lunar month is Chinese New Year and this year celebrations will commence
on 28th January 2017. The Lunar Calendar calculates the date based on the first lunar month being the second new moon after the month containing winter
solstice. Hence, Chinese New Year can fall anywhere between mid-January to mid-February each year.
2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster and we are sure ... read more