Workshop - How to Apply Yin Yang Principles in Your Tai Chi Training

Workshop Concluded
Learn how to apply one of the fundamental principles of Taijiquan to both form and push hands practice.
Sunday 16th October 2022 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - Inner Melbourne
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!

This is a unique opportunity to learn from someone with lineage back to both Yang Chengfu and Yang Ban Hou. Sifu James Gao will lead you through the theory of Yin Yang from "The Taijiquan Treatise", guide you in applying it in your form practice, then help you experience it's essence in push hands practice.

"Tai Chi is the mother of Yin and Yang."
Deep dive into Wang Zhongyue's "Taijiquan Treatise" - The oldest Tai Chi transcript ever discovered.

"From mastering the movements to comprehend the principle of Jin."
Apply Yin Yang principles in your Solo (form) training.

"Four ounces deflect one thousand pounds."
Yin Yang principles at work in Push Hands.

The course will be conducted by

Sifu James Gao
Sifu James Gao is a 6th Generation Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi master, with lineages to both Yang Chengfu and Yang Ban Hou. He has over 40 years of martial arts experience, from internal as well as external styles. While hands-on in both forms and Push Hands/Application Training, Sifu James, through his research, has gained a wealth of knowledge in classic Tai Chi and other Chinese Internal Martial Arts theory. His ability to articulate the essence of this theory and how to apply it is well-regarded by his peers and students. 

Detail of his profile can be found HERE

We are extremely honoured and privileged that Sifu James has agreed to conduct this workshop for us while he is in Melbourne. 

When: Sunday16 October 2022

Time: 10.00am to 4.00pm (including a 1-hour lunch break - Bring your own lunch) 
Where:  1st Victorian Sea Scout Hall, 7 Aquatic Drive, ALBERT PARK
Cost: $195.00

About the Workshop

This workshop is designed to help you learn how to apply one of the fundamental principles of taijiquan to both form and push hands applications. The training will utilize basic Yang Style movements all practitioners will be familiar with.

Please Note: There will be physical contact for the Push Hands component of the workshop but no aggressive movements or takedowns.
This workshop is suitable for people with some Tai Chi experience. 


Yang Taijiquan - From Form to Push Hands - Workshop Three

The third in this series of workshops will continue our in-depth training in the Yang Style traditional 8-5 Form, then apply that knowledge to developing Push Hands skills.
Sunday 4th August 2024 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - St Kilda
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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Yang Taijiquan - From Form to Push Hands - Workshop Two

Workshop Concluded

The second in this series of workshops will continue our in-depth training in the Yang Style traditional 8-5 Form, then apply that knowledge to developing Push Hands skills.
Sunday 5th May 2024 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - St Kilda
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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Yang Taijiquan - From Form to Push Hands - Workshop One

Workshop Concluded

The first in this series of workshops will feature in-depth training in the Yang Style traditional 8-5 Form, then apply that knowledge to developing Push Hands skills.
Sunday 25th February 2024 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - St Kilda
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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JinLi Summer Break 2024 Practice Classes

Sessions Concluded

Prahran - Sunday 7 and Saturday 13 January - 9.00am
Northcote - Monday 8 January - 12.30pm
Elwood - Wednesday 17 January - 9.30am
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Yang Taijiquan - From Theory to Application - Workshop Three

Workshop Concluded

The third in this unique series of workshops will focus on refining Péng and Lŭ Jìn and introducing the foundations of Jĭ and Àn Jìn, taking movements from the Yang Form, teaching you movement, application and theoretical concepts, and applying it to developing sensitivity and Tai Chi Jīn.
Sunday 6th August 2023 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - Inner Melbourne
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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Yang Taijiquan - From Theory to Application - Workshop Two

Workshop Concluded

The second in this unique series of workshops will focus on Lŭ Jìn (Roll Back or Yielding Skill), taking a few movements from the Yang Form, teaching you movement, application and theoretical concepts, and applying it to developing sensitivity and Tai Chi Jīn.
Sunday 7th May 2023 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - Inner Melbourne
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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Yang Taijiquan - From Theory to Application - Workshop One

Workshop Concluded

The first of a unique series of workshops taking a few movements from the Yang Form, teaching you movement, application and theoretical concepts, and applying it to developing sensitivity and Tai Chi Jing.
Sunday 12th February 2023 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - Inner Melbourne
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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